About Medical Daycare / PPECC
The PPECC can be viewed as a “Medical Daycare” but in no way a “sick” daycare as the children who exhibit symptoms of any form of infection are asked to stay home from the PPECC.
The PPECC can be used in place of in home nursing or combined with in home coverage. Many times the dynamic of a person coming into the home for an 8 to 12 hour period does not work for all families. Also, if a shift is left uncovered it causes many problems for the family. The PPECC offers 100% coverage in a way that does not disrupt family life.
The consistency that the PPECC offers allows parents to work, go to school and take care of other family responsibilities while their medically fragile child is cared for by professional nurses and patient support aides (PSA), in a fun, child friendly atmosphere on a regular basis.
This reliable nursing care is provided by our experienced pediatric nursing staff and offers guaranteed coverage which may help children and families avoid unnecessary ER visits, prolonged hospital stays and residential placement.

Who’s Eligible to Attend?
Medically fragile children from birth to 21 years of age who have ongoing medical needs would qualify for the PPECC services.
PPECC Nursing Services
Include, but are not limited to:
Daily Assessments
Medication Administration
Enteral Feeds/Feeding Therapy
Central Lines
Ostomy Care/Wound Care
Pulse Oximetry/Oxygen Therapy
Apnea Monitoring
Respiratory Care
Pulmonary Therapy
Diabetic Management
Glucose Monitoring
Other Physician Prescribed Therapy
Our Services Also Include
Consistent Coverage which allows parents to maintain their daily schedules without the fear of missed shifts.
Quality Licensed Nursing Staff provides the special care your child requires for up to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week (hours are based on physician order and insurance approval)
High ratio of staff to children
Ongoing support of your child’s individualized PT, OT and ST plans
Case Management Services
Daily communication between staff and families
Insurance Coverage
The PPECC, together with the family’s input, will receive insurance authorization. As long as the authorization is maintained, there should be no cost to the family.
Activity Program
Our PPECC designs an activity program to meet the need of each child. Activity plans are formulated based on holidays, seasons, birthdays, and current events. Additionally, your child is invited to participate in a Christian-based faith program pending your consent.
Parents are responsible for their child’s transportation to and from the PPECC. In cases where this is not possible, your child may qualify for Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP), our staff will assist you in the process of setting up your child’s transportation.

If you would like to know more about Firely Services, or have feedback for us, please use the information below or fill out our contact form. We love to hear from you and will respond back to you as soon as possible!